Monday, December 30, 2019

Does your company know if it has a gender pay gap

Does your company know if it has a gender pay gapDoes your company know if it has a gender pay gapDespite progress, most companies still have a long way to go to eliminate salary gaps by race and gender, according to a2016 PewResearch Center study.While white women make 82 centsfor every dollar earned by their white male counterpart, black women only make 65 cents and Latinawomen make 58 cents, according to Pew.Working towards pay parity for similar jobs is not a one-day pursuit. So, what can employers and employees do to keep the conversation going?Glassdoor offered oneanswer- a 17-page step-by-step guide for how employers can address and tackle the gender pay gap in their own companies.Step No. 1 do an annual audit to figure out how much employees makeWhy data matters It can change behavior.Once employers have the hard data on salaries for their staff - along with their races, genders, and other potentially influential favors, anonymized to protect the privacy of employees - dat a reveals whether there is a pattern of unequal pay and offers a way to resolve the problem.Specifically, for HRworkers, Glassdoor recommends conducting this gender pay analysis at least annually. HR departments also need to provide equal opportunities for performance reviewsto account for unconscious age and gender biases. Since older workers are less likely to negotiate, Glassdoor says employers should leave less room for negotiation, so that offerscan be more equal.Companies dont need a lot of money to identify pay gapsGlassdoorlisted statistical software that companies can use to calculate the gender pay gap, which they define as the difference between average pay for men and women, both before and after weve accounted for differences among workers in education, experience, job roles, employee performance and other factors aside from gender that affect pay.Glassdoor also provides different models to test gender pay difference across different departments or job titles.Glassdoor said its goal is to prove that you dont need fancy equipment and expensive outside consultants or even a big IT department to do this. With just some equations on an Excel spreadsheet, any Human Resources worker can figure it out.But again, Glassdoor urges, be sure to strip the data of any identifying information. Dont put your employees salaries on a cloud data storage platform that run the risk of being hacked.Stopping unconscious biasesGlassdoor found that companies are not explicitly out to discriminate against their employees. More often than not, it comes down to implicit human biases.Pay gaps dont result from overt discrimination, they result from years of unintentional bias that can creep into an organization over time, Glassdoor found.Thats why employers and employees need hard data and numbers as proof to wake them out of thisstupor, Glassdoor concluded.Analysis is far more involved than printing out a spreadsheet and eyeballing it - you need to go deep and control for a variety of factors to get the real story.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

What to Expect On Take Your Child to Work Day

What to Expect On Take Your Child to Work DayWhat to Expect On Take Your Child to Work DayThe 24th annual Take our Daughters and Sons to Work Daytakes place on April 28. Officially the event is geared towards kids ages 8-18, but participating workplaces may expand the age range. Also, if their companies are participating, employees who may not have school-age children are often invited to bring relatives or children they mentor. Its a wonderful opportunity, although I have to admit that I was nervous the first time I signed my kids up for the event. My work and home lives were both busy, and I worried that sacrificing a day would put me behind on both fronts. At the time I was employed at an international non-profit organization that adhered to old-school professional mores. I was concerned about inviting my children into such a neat, tidy and professional environment. But I also felt the need to bridge my worlds. My workplace welcomed school age or slightly younger children. When I talked with the HR manager and told her I was thinking of bringing my 4- and 5-year-old, she wholeheartedly welcomed my children. I loved my job. I had been at the institution for nearly ten years, and I felt like I had grown up there professionally and personally. I wanted my children and my colleagues to meet. I also wanted my children to binnensee where I worked. It is a unique workplace People travel from around the globe to visit and to meet the leaders of the organization. I wanted my kids to experience this, and I was proud to invite them to see me as a professional.So I signed us up. Im glad I took the chance. What to Expect Its great for kids to have the chance to see their parents, guardians, relatives or mentors in action. It gives them the opportunity to learn about what grown ups do at work. It also offers older children a sense of how a subject or a major they may choose later in their academic careers may translate into a professional job. Plus it has a positive impac t on a professional culture to invite a little chaos. Just visually its inspiring to see young people shadowing professionals everywhere you look. As with all kid-related events, unexpected things happen. For example, my daughter lost her tooth during our lunch meeting. The kids also say adorable and off-the-wall things. I was surprised when my son told the executive director a knock-knock joke (which killed) You cant edit the kids as carefully as you edit yourself at work. But your colleagues cant either. It doesnt matter. Its all ok.If there is anything you really dont want your kids to say, then prep them for that, but otherwise, just encourage them be themselves. Even if surprising things happen, or the kids go off script, thats part of the charm that the kids bring to the event. The day is about mentoring children and sharing the joy of work life with them. Its also about helping families find a bit of balance by bridging their worlds. And it does just that. Why its Valuable Th is occasion has a delightful and cohesive effect. When I participated, I was the only parent on my team, and I was so moved by how kind and generous my colleagues were to my kids. We decided to invite the children to a team meeting, but we wanted to make sure it would be a kid-friendly topic. My team was planning an event honoring Japanese and Taiwanese guests, so we honigwein to discuss what kinds of treats to order for their visit. Hosting international donors was a significant part of our work, and the children were fascinated to hear our discussions about how to make these special travelers feel welcome. This was a great experience for me, because my kids enthusiasm gave me a new perspective on my role. My team regularly discussed international hosting responsibilities, and my children thought this was awesome. I left work that day feeling exhilarated and exhausted. My colleagues enjoyed my childrens visit, and my kids were asking when they could visit again before we even arriv ed back home. If you have the opportunity to participate in this event, take the chance. Its worth it.

Friday, December 20, 2019

You need to clean your earbuds ASAP

You need to clean your earbuds ASAPYou need to clean your earbuds ASAPOkay, team, we need to have a little hygiene chat and its about those earbud headphones of yours.Do you know how many times youve put them in your ears, stuffed them into your pocket, shoved them into your bag, held them in your sweaty palm and put them back in your ears again? Infinite. Better yet, how many times have you shared them with a friend or your partner when watching a viral YouTube video or listening to a new Post Malone single? Quite a few. Now, how many times have you stopped to clean those babies?Right. Ewww.Naturally, when you wear headphones that jam inside your ears, youre going to get earwax and sweat and bacteria and all sorts of icky goop on those things. And that collection only grows when you decide to be generous and share them. So please, take 60 seconds out of your week and wash these little guys.The process is simple. First, manually remove any earwax residue that has built up inside and around the piece that goes directly into your ear. (Be sure to tilt the bud downward so that any stray pieces of filth dont end up falling beneath that little mesh surface and getting deckenfries inside the bud.) Then, coat a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol or your choice of disinfectant spray and wipe the headphones down thoroughly. Be mindful of excess cleaner, because that could leak inside the bud and damage the device.Once youre done, instead of letting your headphones fall back down to the bottom of your bag, give them their own little case in which they can stay nice and clean while on the go. Oh, and just stop sharing them with other people altogether. Blegh.This post was originally published on

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Lease Accounting Trends in Los Angeles

Lease Accounting Trends in dann los AngelesLease Accounting Trends in Los Angeles LEASE ACCOUNTING TRENDS IN LOS ANGELESHas your company begun the transition to the new lease accounting standard?Los AngelesU.S.Yes40%44%No60%56%Finance leaders who reported their company has begun the transition also were asked As part of that transition, have you begun the diagnostic work necessary to determine the level of effort which wil be required for you to be ready to adopt the new standard?Los AngelesU.S.Yes, already completed63%48%Yes, started but not completed37%51%No, havent started0%1%Have you completed the following?Los AngelesU.S.Identified kollektiv members and responsibilities for completing the transition to a new standard69%61%Made an inventory of, and prioritized, any systems changes which might be required50%51%Developed a project plan to address all gaps emanating from the diagnostic work64%49%Identified, at a high level, the magnitude and type of the lease inventory (e.g., prope rty, equipment)55%49%Written new accounting policies36%47%Written new accounting procedures40%43%Investigated any lease or property management systems which will facilitate adoption47%42%What is the most challenging aspect of the transition to the new standard?Los AngelesU.S.1.Identifying, inventorying and categorizing companys leases1.Training staff2.Updating technology2.Diagnosing the needed changes3.Diagnosing the needed changes3.Finding professionals with the requisite expertiseFor your company, which new accounting standard has been more challenging to adopt?Los AngelesU.S.Revenue recognition69%71%Lease accounting31%29%How much of the processes and learnings from transitioning to the new revenue recognition standard have you been able to apply to adopting the new lease accounting standard?Los AngelesU.S.Most of them29%29%Some of them38%54%Almost none of them33%17%Source Robert Half and Protiviti survey of more than 2,000 finance leaders in the United States, including 100 in Lo s AngelesTotal may not equal 100 percent due to rounding.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

3 steps you cant afford to miss when determining salary

3 steps you cant afford to miss when determining salary3 steps you cant afford to miss when determining salaryIf you never negotiate your startingsalaryor your freelance rate, you are potentially leavinga million dollarson the table throughout the course of your career.Thats a lot of money to be missing out on just because you dont want to ask a question that makes you feel uncomfortable. But statistics show that women have trouble with this ask time and time again. One study found that50% of men will negotiate their salary, compared to just 12% of women. Not to mention, women on average are alreadyonly getting paid$0.79 on the dollar compared to men, and that doesnt account for race and ethnicity orparental status.When it comes to gender parity, this needs to be tackled from all angles, including making legislative changes, company changes, more transparency and address motherhood through things like access to affordable childcare, better family leave policies, and improved healthca re for women and more. So, as individuals, we are often left wondering what, if anything, we can do. The answer is quite simple advocate for yourself Start closing the gap by negotiating your own salary or freelance rates to ensure youre standing up for what you are worth.Here are three strategies to help1. Be preparedDo your research Whether you are negotiating in the interview process, asking for a raise internally, or schauplatz your freelance rate, you must first know the market. Consult sites like Fairygodboss - which has asalary database- to find out what people in similar roles are earning.The next step is to talk to people in your role or the role you want. While talking about money is one of those taboo topics in the U.S., its actually surprising how many people are willing to have this conversation So ask around, and make sure to ask both men and women so you have a good picture of salary ranges. Once you have the information, solidify your rate/salary range in your head . What do you want? What are you willing to take? At what rate do you just say no? Having these numbers clear in your mind will make the conversations easier.2. Conquer the fearMost of my clients arent comfortable negotiating their salary. When I ask why theyre hesitant, the responses that I hear are almost always influenced by fear, particularly from my female clients, who worry that the offer will be rescinded if they ask for more money - or that theyll seem ungrateful by requesting more.Heres the thing As long as youre coming back with an educated ask thats backed in market research of what the industry, role and years experience should pay, theres no reason that a company should rescind a job offer. Most companies expect you to negotiate, so theyll throw out a lower number in order to have the room to meet your ask. In fact, a female recruiter once told me that she always feels a twinge of guilt when her female candidates dont try to negotiate, because theres nothing that she c an do to increase their base salary if they dont askIn the rare event that a company does rescind the offer, take a minute to step back and ask yourself, honestlyDo you really want to work for this company?Thats a huge red flagand paints a clear picture of the lack of value they have for their employees.Negotiating your salary doesnt make you seem ungrateful - its not showing your enthusiasm that will make you seem unappreciative. When youre offered the role, reiterate your strong interest in the position and the company first - and then follow your genuine excitement with an ask about your salary.3. Dont get caught off guardPersonally, I think its smart to do your research regarding the market on a regular basis. While most people are prepared to talk about money when bidding a project or interviewing for a new role, you may not expect it to be brought up during an initial phone screen, in a meeting with your boss or even during a seemingly innocuousnetworkingconversation. If you are keeping up with your research, you likely have a good understanding of the market and acceptable ranges for your role or any target positions. But, even the best-researched person can be thrown by the salary/rate history questionsWhile some states and cities (California, Oregon, Massachusetts, New York City, and others) are banning questions about your previous salary history, clearly the majority of the country still allows this type of question, or you may be faced with it even with the new laws in effect. So when you get asked about your salary/rate history, youll be ready Politely decline to answer and instead say something similar to, Id prefer to focus on the range for this opportunity and whether or not this is a mutual fit. Are you able to provide thebudgetyou have for this position/project? Let them share this number first and then respond as to whether or not that aligns with your goalsFor freelancers, not only can the initial negotiation be difficult, but you need to set clear boundaries to avoid scope creep. As expectations change, it is important for you to define anything outside your original contact and charge appropriately. If the fear creeps up and you are worried that youll lose the account, or miss out on an opportunity, I encourage you to take a step back, clearly define your bottom line (the number at which youll walk away) and write down all the reasons you deserve that rate or salary. Know your worthMary Beth Ferrante is a career coach to millennial moms and is the owner and founder of Live.Work.Lead., an organization that helps companies retain top female talent by transformingworkplace cultureto support new parents. In addition to corporate programming, Live.Work.Lead. works directly with individuals through one-on-one coaching and its Professional Working Moms Groups, which connect moms within specific regions and industries.A version of this deutsche bundespost previously appeared onFairygodboss, the largest career community th at helps women get the inside scoop on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Top What Font Size Should a Resume Be Secrets

Top What Font Size Should a Resume Be Secrets What Font Size Should a Resume Be No Longer a Mystery You must make sure your resume isnt difficult to read and highlights the most relevant info on your resume. If you opt to go with a couple of pages, make sure you include your name and proper page number on top, suggests Ann Baehr of Best Resumes. Resumes dont need to be one page. What Font Size Should a Resume Be and What Font Size Should a Resume Be - The Perfect Combination You can support a lubrication platform, but you may also support your organization gain clients and make dollars. Should you do the resume typing work all on your own, it will be hard to deal with core operations together with higher efficiency. Finding easier ways to get your work done whether it entails applying new systems or software or only creating an increased procedure is an exceptional method to decrease the workload together with boost your very own self-esteemboth terrific strategies to lessen anxiety. Overview You may have written many resumes on your livelihood life but in the fest you would love to complete an application to find a completely new furnace tech job, you are unable to employ the one which youve written previously. Whatever They Told You About What Font Size Should a Resume Be Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why Order of Sections How you present the info in your resume is nearly as crucial as the content. General rules for selecting a resume font. Structure There isnt any particular format, so pick one which suits your case the greatest functional, traditional, Combination etc.. Formatting your resume is very important, as this impacts the total appearance of your resume. The Argument About What Font Size Should a Resume Be Not an immediate answer, merely a suggestion that the unbreakable 2-page rule may not be. Many struggle with the question of the number of pages ought to be in a resume. There are several different techniques you are able to order the sections on your resume, but remember that the order dictates the way the employer interprets the info. Part of creating an effective resume is deciding on the most appropriate format to inform your private story. Whatever They Told You About What Font Size Should a Resume Be Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why If you own a lot of experience, it might be a superior selection. Just be certain you possess the gear you need to do the work right. Just take a look at the work description for the punkt youre applying to. Just because youre searching for a position in Marketing doesnt signify that all positions in that field are searching for the same kind of candidate. The What Font Size Should a Resume Be Cover Up If you are looking for a mid to senior level position, you ought to be including all appropriate experience on your resume, irrespective of page length. To begin with, one of several sections that have to be altered is the work objective. Its very much like arial and r equires close inspection to actually tell the difference. As an example, in place of creating several bullet points linked to your organizational abilities, condense these things into one bullet point. An ideal resume is 1-2 pages, since you dont wish to shed the hiring managers interest. See that the last copy underwent strict editing procedures. A resume is a necessary tool in a work search. Use this advice and examples to earn a perfect resume. Top What Font Size Should a Resume Be Choices Its also a great idea to ditch Comic Sans fonts, colours, and other varieties which are only very likely to distract the recruiter. If you like Calibri, also a great sans-serif font, 12 should work nicely, though its a little more compact than Arial. In the majority of instances, employing an easy, professional font is best. Moreover, it was inspired by Scotch Roman designs of the 19th century, so should you wish to be noticed, you may want to go with something different. In additio n, if youre employing a single spacing, a huge font size will appear weirdly, so everything should stick to some proportions. The font you select for your cover letter ought to be highly readable, professional and clean. After choosing the family members and fashions of font, size is the upcoming important issue to think about. Deciding upon the correct font, the appropriate format, and the right font size is equally as vital as the set of skills youre going to pitch to your possible employer. Okay, you can quit staring at your screen. Although its a good option, it may appear somewhat stale and outdated to some. There are many pretty fonts, but should you combine them lubberly the entire work wont be well worth any attention. Adjusting the font just one-tenth of a point can produce the text fill out the remainder of a page or keep it from spilling over into the subsequent one. The cover letter of your company proposal gives a concise introduction of what your proposal is all about along with the appropriate info regarding your small business. Youre likely to need to buy it if you would like to utilize it and dont have a Mac. Additionally, you would like to be truthful on your resume, and therefore dont consist of data that you arent confident in. Your contact info and name should appear on top of your resume. If you own a lot of room to spare, select a size 12 font. If you discover that your resume exceeds one particular page by a little sum, look at altering the font or size to boost spacing and create your resume easier to read. Continue reading for all the info you are going to need about margins, text alignment, and the way to reduce margins if you require additional space. As previously mentioned, you wish to decide on a resume format thats suited to your personal profile.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

equal pay day

equal pay day Access all of our webinars by clicking here. Save 30% with code EqualPayDay2018Access all of our webinars by clicking here. Save 30% with code EqualPayDay2018Its April 10th- and this is how far into the year women have to work to match their male counterparts salaries of the previous year. Thats over 420 mora hours of work for doing the same job. Instead of making up the wage eu-agrarpolitik, you could be climbing Mount Everest twice, watching the full lineup at this years Coachella Music Festival 6.5 times, and closing out your first trimester of pregnancy. Well take Beyonce 6.5 times, thank you To match the average wage gap, (yes, the wage gap varies by ethnicity) were offering 30% of all of our webinars for the next two weeks with the code EqualPayDay2018Here are some of our favorites you should check outHow To Pitch your Story To The MediaEmpathy at Every Level The Sure Path to Business SuccessHow To Become A Tech Leader5 Things Women In Tech Should Know About Publi c SpeakingWhile studies show that we still have 169 years before the world reaches a true wage equality- this promotion wont last that long Enjoy 30% off until April 20th 2017.If you think you deserve more than 30% (we all do) sign up to be a PowerToFly VIP- where for less than your weekly latte you can access all of our webinars for free, as well as early access to jobs, mentor matching, and more Related Articles Around the Web Equal Pay Day What Is Equal Pay Day? Heres Everything You Need to Know How to Celebrate Equal Pay Day AAUW Aki Merced

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Kate McKinnon will star as Elizabeth Holmes in new series about Theranos

Kate McKinnon will star as Elizabeth Holmes in new series about TheranosKate McKinnon will star as Elizabeth Holmes in new series about TheranosKate McKinnon will star in an upcoming Hulu miniseries about Theranos, the crooked company that shut down in September 2018 after scandal destroyed its reputation, according to Deadline. The series will highlight the downward spiral of Elizabeth Holmes, the 35-year-old founder and former CEO who was once thought to be the next Steve Jobs.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe upcoming limited series will take the same name as the ABC nachrichtensendung podcast, The Dropout, titled so because Holmes dropped out of Stanford to launch her company. Holmes quickly built Theranos, a healthcare technology company that promised to revolutionize blood testing by making it more accessible, affordable and less painful.The promising tech start-up was u nveiled as a sham in a 2015Wall Street Journal report, which led to widespread distrust of the company and ongoing investigations. Holmes was indicted on two counts of conspiracy and nine counts of wire fraud in June 2018. The Department of Justice said that Holmes faces 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. She is set to attend a status hearing in San Francisco on April 22, according to Elle.The Saturday Night Live star will not only star as the disgraced entrepreneur, but will also act as executive producer along with Rebecca Jarvis, The Dropout podcast host and creator.In January, ABC News launched The Dropout, an investigative podcast that detailed the events of the biggest disaster in Silicon Valley. Jarvis, who created and hosted the podcast, is also the ABC News chief business, technology and economics correspondent.The podcast was then turned into a two-hour documentary, which aired on 20/20 in March.Podcast producers Taylor Dunn Victoria Thompson will also serve as produc ers on the series. The Dropout series, which is expected to run between six to ten episodes, has no release date as of yet.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What Happens When Upwardly Mobile Couple Hits Hard Times

What Happens When Upwardly Mobile Couple Hits Hard TimesWhat Happens When Upwardly Mobile Couple Hits Hard TimesPosted by Patrick J. Sauer, How Hollywood Gets Hit By Recession Recession Briefing 8.19 The Pennys New Popularity Screwed 1,100 at Stora Enso

When someone makes you look bad at work

When someone makes you look bad at work When someone makes you look bad at work If you work anywhere you likely have had a colleague try to make you look bad. Most of my clients have had to struggle with this. It is disempowering and injects a fear of losing your job which ultimately leads to a fear of losing people who you love.This is where executive presence is crucial. This is where you don’t react at all.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!This is where you just pause, stare at them for a count of five and then ask, “Are you trying to make me look bad?”That will stop them dead.Call them out with curiosity for exactly what they are doing. Don’t characterize them, get angry or defensive. Simply ask them if what it looks like they are doing is in fact what they are doing.If they deflect back to you say, “Ok, I wanted to get clarity on that because for a minute it felt like you were trying to make me look bad.” No one can argue with how you fe el.This scenario gives you a few moments to re-center yourself, for people on the periphery to validate in their minds what is truly happening, and for the other person to feel embarrassment for their behavior. Then move on to what is important about what you are doing without defending what you’ve been accused of.Wishing you the freedom of executive presence today.This article first appeared on  You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people